Improved bounds for randomly sampling colorings via linear programming

S Chen, M Delcourt, A Moitra, G Perarnau… - Proceedings of the Thirtieth …, 2019 - SIAM
A well-known conjecture in computer science and statistical physics is that Glauber
dynamics on the set of k-colorings of a graph G on n vertices with maximum degree Δ is …

Accelerating simulated annealing for the permanent and combinatorial counting problems

I Bezáková, D Štefankovič, VV Vazirani… - SIAM Journal on …, 2008 - SIAM
We present an improved “cooling schedule” for simulated annealing algorithms for
combinatorial counting problems. Under our new schedule the rate of cooling accelerates as …

A matrix trickle-down theorem on simplicial complexes and applications to sampling colorings

D Abdolazimi, K Liu, SO Gharan - 2021 IEEE 62nd Annual …, 2022 -
We show that the natural Glauber dynamics mixes rapidly and generates a random proper
edge-coloring of a graph with maximum degree Δ whenever the number of colors is at least …

Convergence of MCMC and loopy BP in the tree uniqueness region for the hard-core model

C Efthymiou, TP Hayes, D Stefankovic, E Vigoda… - SIAM Journal on …, 2019 - SIAM
We study the hard-core (gas) model defined on independent sets of an input graph where
the independent sets are weighted by a parameter (aka fugacity) λ>0. For constant Δ, the …

Approximate counting via correlation decay in spin systems

L Li, P Lu, Y Yin - Proceedings of the twenty-third annual ACM-SIAM …, 2012 - SIAM
We give the first deterministic fully polynomial-time approximation scheme (FPTAS) for
computing the partition function of a two-state spin system on an arbitrary graph, when the …

Improved bounds for perfect sampling of k-colorings in graphs

S Bhandari, S Chakraborty - Proceedings of the 52nd Annual ACM …, 2020 -
We present a randomized algorithm that takes as input an undirected n-vertex graph G with
maximum degree Δ and an integer k> 3Δ, and returns a random proper k-coloring of G. The …

Randomly coloring constant degree graphs

M Dyer, A Frieze, TP Hayes… - Random Structures & …, 2013 - Wiley Online Library
We study a simple Markov chain, known as the Glauber dynamics, for generating a random
k‐coloring of an n‐vertex graph with maximum degree Δ. We prove that, for every ε> 0, the …

Spectral radius of finite and infinite planar graphs and of graphs of bounded genus

Z Dvořák, B Mohar - Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B, 2010 - Elsevier
It is well known that the spectral radius of a tree whose maximum degree is Δ cannot exceed
2Δ− 1. In this paper we derive similar bounds for arbitrary planar graphs and for graphs of …

Flip Dynamics for Sampling Colorings: Improving Using a Simple Metric

C Carlson, E Vigoda - arXiv preprint arXiv:2407.04870, 2024 -
We present improved bounds for randomly sampling $ k $-colorings of graphs with
maximum degree $\Delta $; our results hold without any further assumptions on the graph …

On sampling symmetric Gibbs distributions on sparse random graphs and hypergraphs

C Efthymiou - arXiv preprint arXiv:2007.07145, 2020 -
We introduce efficient algorithms for approximate sampling from symmetric Gibbs
distributions on the sparse random (hyper) graph. The examples we consider include (but …