General extenders are phrases like'or something','and everything','and things (like that)','and stuff (like that)', and'and so on'. Although they are an everyday feature of spoken language …
N Groom - International Journal of Corpus Linguistics, 2019 -
Construction grammar (CxG) initially arose as a usage-based alternative to nativist theoretical accounts of language, and remains to this day strongly associated with cognitive …
In second language acquisition, corpus linguistics (CL) enjoys prominence as a methodology valuable for its descriptive power in the textual analysis of patterns. Within …
M McCarthy - Language Teaching, 2020 -
Business English and academic English may perhaps be thought of as areas of language use requiring precision of expression and a quest for specific and unambiguous meaning …
M Overstreet - English Today, 2020 -
In the Longman Grammar of Spoken and Written English (Biber et al., 1999), a new category is identified in the grammar of the English phrase. In conversational data, the most frequent …
This study examines the previously unattained research area of contemporary spoken Turkish used in dyadic and multi-party interaction among young speakers of Turkish. For this …
The intention of this paper is to extend the empirical perspective on the functional acquisition of lexical pragmatic marking in learner English. While previous analyses have mostly …
Elastic language is a phenomenon in linguistics that refers to how we stretch the meanings of words, depending on the context in which they are used-for example many, about 20 …