Despite the devastating worldwide human and economic tolls of the COVID-19 crisis, it has created some positive economic and financial surprises and opportunities for research. This …
B Hirtle, A Lehnert - Annual Review of Financial Economics, 2015 -
We describe the background, design choices, and particular details of stress tests used as part of an overall supervisory regime, that is, their formal integration into the ongoing …
VV Acharya, SG Ryan - Journal of Accounting Research, 2016 - Wiley Online Library
The use of accounting measures and disclosures in banks' contracts and regulation suggests that the quality of banks' financial reporting is central to the efficacy of market …
We study an optimal disclosure policy of a regulator that has information about banks (eg, from conducting stress tests). In our model, disclosure can destroy risk-sharing opportunities …
We compare the capital shortfall measured by regulatory stress tests, to that of a benchmark methodology—the “V-Lab stress test”—that employs only publicly available market data. We …
The US bank stress tests aim to improve financial system stability. However, they may also affect bank credit supply. We formulate and test opposing hypotheses about these effects …
I Goldstein, L Yang - Journal of Financial Economics, 2019 - Elsevier
We study real-efficiency implications of disclosing public information in a model with multiple dimensions of uncertainty where market prices convey information to a real decision maker …
RM Bushman, CD Williams - Journal of Accounting Research, 2015 - Wiley Online Library
This paper investigates the extent to which delayed expected loan loss recognition (DELR) is associated with greater vulnerability of banks to three distinct dimensions of risk:(1) stock …
Money markets are fundamentally different from stock markets. Stock markets are about price discovery for the purpose of allocating risk efficiently. Money markets are about …