Z Boudanga, H Medromi - F1000Research, 2023 - ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Background The management of medical waste is a complex task that necessitates effective strategies to mitigate health risks, comply with regulations, and minimize environmental …
EM Virlya, TEB Soesilo, EN Pakpahan… - Jurnal Kesehatan …, 2023 - ejournal.undip.ac.id
Abstract Latar belakang: Pengelolaan Limbah Bahan Berbahaya dan Beracun (LB3) rumah sakit di Jakarta masih menjadi permasalahan yang kompleks, terutama pada masa Covid …
Population in cities is growing worldwide, which puts the systems that offer basic services to citizens under pressure. Among these systems, the Municipal Solid Waste Management …