R Golban - 2019 - veterinarymedicinejournal.usamv.ro
The scientific investigations revealed in this research present the study in dynamics of blood immunological indices characteristic to non-specific resistance at the neonatal calves in …
• Imunodeficiențele primare (IDP)–reprezintă un grup heterogen de dereglări, a căror cauză sunt mutațiile genelor specifice cu defecte ale unui sau câtorva componente ale …
R Golban - Lucrări științifice. Seria medicină veterinară, 2019 - ibn.idsi.md
The scientifica investigations reflected in this study presents the dynamic study of some immunobiological blood-type indices characteristic to immunobiological status at bovines …
Aim: to study the frequency of chronic viral hepatitis B and C among other forms of CDLD in the course of profilaxy screening of healthy adult population of Republic of Moldova with …
R Golban, M Carp, CM Rîmbu, E Guguianu… - Scientific Papers …, 2016 - ibn.idsi.md
In this scientific paper are reflected the results of the investigation on the lymphocytes blastization mechanism aspects as result of stimulation with anti-anthrax antigen and protein …
I Lupaşco, VT Dumbrava - Sănătate Publică, Economie şi Management …, 2016 - ibn.idsi.md
Republic of Moldova is keeping a leader place in Europe in terms of the prevalence of chronic hepatitis C, early treatment of which can prevent progression ij liver cirrhosis. All of …
Asthma is a heterogeneous disease, usually characterized by chronic airway inflammation. It is defined by the history of respiratory symptoms such as wheeze, shortness of breath, chest …
The scientific investigations revealed in this research present the objectives of studying some immunological aspects of the phagocytic activity in immunity regulation in the neonatal …
R Golban - Scientific Papers-Veterinary Medicine, 2015 - ibn.idsi.md
The investigations reflected in this scientific research were performed with the main purpose to study the dynamics of the immunocompetent cells indices T and B at the newborn calves …