High-throughput imaging technologies have been developing rapidly for agricultural plant phenotyping purposes. With most of the current crop plant image processing algorithms, the …
Zero tillage increases stratification of immobile nutrients such as P. However, it is unclear whether near-surface stratification of soil P eases or hampers P uptake by maize (Zea mays …
Core Ideas Deep band P is a potential strategy to reduce P losses by runoff. Deep band P improve soil fertility in subsurface in no‐till system. Greater amount of P removed with grain …
Sažetak Istraživanje produktivnosti kukuruza pri konzervacijskoj obradi tla i različitim dozama dušika provedeno je tijekom 2013. godine na hidromorfnom tipu tla u blizini mjesta …
Sažetak Istraţivanja reakcije kukuruza na gnojidbu dušikom pri konzervacijskoj obradi tla provedena su tijekom tehnološke 2012./2013. na hidromorfnim tipovima tala na dvije …