The possibility to induce a transient modulation of visuo-spatial attention boosted so far the implementation of the prism adaptation in a variety of domains. This sensorimotor technique …
Abstract Background Prismatic Adaptation (PA) is a visuomotor procedure inducing a shift of the visual field that has been shown to modulate activation of a number of brain areas, in …
The mental representations of space, time, and number magnitude are inherently linked. The right posterior parietal cortex (PPC) has been suggested to contain a general …
Accumulating evidence suggests that humans process time and space in similar veins. Humans represent time along a spatial continuum, and perception of temporal durations can …
When navigating a straight path, perceived travel time and perceived traveled distance are linked via movement speed. Behavioral studies have revealed systematic interferences …
Multiple, action-based space representations are each based on the extent to which action is possible toward a specific sector of space, such as near/reachable and far/unreachable …
Prismatic adaption (PA) has been proposed as a tool to induce neural plasticity and is used to help neglect rehabilitation. It leads to a recalibration of visuomotor coordination during …
Background Prismatic adaptation (PA) shifts visual field laterally and induces lateralized deviations of spatial attention. Recently, it has been suggested that prismatic goggles are …
Anatomo functional studies of prism adaptation (PA) have been shown to modulate a brain frontal-parieto-temporal network, increasing activation of this network in the hemisphere …