FH Taqwa, M Fitrani, R Purwanto - Acta Aquatica: Aquatic Sciences …, 2021 - ojs.unimal.ac.id
The purpose of this study was to determine the optimum addition of calcium during the adaptation period of white shrimp seed in low salinity media, so the physiological conditions …
FH Taqwa, A Praja - Jurnal Akuakultur Rawa Indonesia, 2014 - ejournal.unsri.ac.id
The purposes of this research were to increase vitality of white shrimp postlarvae during adaptation time to salinity decrease with the addition of papaya juice, and to assess the …
Permasalahan yang sering dihadapi dalam produksi larva udang adalah kualitas larva udang yang rendah. Rendahnya kualitas larva udang diakibatkan oleh mutu dan nutrisi …
Vaname shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) is one of the marine fisheries commodities that have high economic value. Vaname shrimps have many advantages such as living …
The purpose of this study was to determine the optimum addition of calcium during the adaptation period of white shrimp seed in low salinity media, so the physiological conditions …
Prospek budidaya udang vannamei (Litopenaeus vannamei) pada salinitas rendah sangat menjanjikan dan menguntungkan, karena tidak perlu dilakukan di daerah pesisir serta …
Vaname shrimp is one of the aquaculture commodities that has the ability to adapt to extensive salinity with range of 2 to 40 ppt so that it can be cultivated in fresh water. The low …
White spot syndrome virus (WSSV) is a viral infectious disease that can cause high mortality in Pacific white shrimp culture. Sodium alginate proven to stimulate and increase …