The rise of “big data” on cloud computing: Review and open research issues

IAT Hashem, I Yaqoob, NB Anuar, S Mokhtar, A Gani… - Information systems, 2015 - Elsevier
Cloud computing is a powerful technology to perform massive-scale and complex
computing. It eliminates the need to maintain expensive computing hardware, dedicated …

Big data storage technologies: a survey

A Siddiqa, A Karim, A Gani - Frontiers of Information Technology & …, 2017 - Springer
There is a great thrust in industry toward the development of more feasible and viable tools
for storing fast-growing volume, velocity, and diversity of data, termed 'big data'. The …

In-memory big data management and processing: A survey

H Zhang, G Chen, BC Ooi, KL Tan… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2015 -
Growing main memory capacity has fueled the development of in-memory big data
management and processing. By eliminating disk I/O bottleneck, it is now possible to support …

Dremel: interactive analysis of web-scale datasets

S Melnik, A Gubarev, JJ Long, G Romer… - Proceedings of the …, 2010 -
Dremel is a scalable, interactive ad-hoc query system for analysis of read-only nested data.
By combining multi-level execution trees and columnar data layout, it is capable of running …

Column-stores vs. row-stores: how different are they really?

DJ Abadi, SR Madden, N Hachem - Proceedings of the 2008 ACM …, 2008 -
There has been a significant amount of excitement and recent work on column-oriented
database systems (" column-stores"). These database systems have been shown to perform …

Efficient big data processing in Hadoop MapReduce

J Dittrich, JA Quiané-Ruiz - Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment, 2012 -
This tutorial is motivated by the clear need of many organizations, companies, and
researchers to deal with big data volumes efficiently. Examples include web analytics …

[图书][B] In-memory data management: technology and applications

H Plattner, A Zeier - 2012 -
In the last fifty years the world has been completely transformed through the use of IT. We
have now reached a new inflection point. This book presents, for the first time, how in …

Q100: The architecture and design of a database processing unit

L Wu, A Lottarini, TK Paine, MA Kim… - ACM SIGARCH Computer …, 2014 -
In this paper, we propose Database Processing Units, or DPUs, a class of domain-specific
database processors that can efficiently handle database applications. As a proof of …

Maximizing persistent memory bandwidth utilization for OLAP workloads

B Daase, LJ Bollmeier, L Benson, T Rabl - Proceedings of the 2021 …, 2021 -
Modern database systems for online analytical processing (OLAP) typically rely on in-
memory processing. Keeping all active data in DRAM severely limits the data capacity and …

Sql-on-hadoop: Full circle back to shared-nothing database architectures

A Floratou, UF Minhas, F Özcan - Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment, 2014 -
SQL query processing for analytics over Hadoop data has recently gained significant
traction. Among many systems providing some SQL support over Hadoop, Hive is the first …