Event‐based user classification in Weibo media

L Guo, W Wang, S Cheng, X Que - The Scientific World Journal, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
Weibo media, known as the real‐time microblogging services, has attracted massive
attention and support from social network users. Weibo platform offers an opportunity for …

Geocoding tweets approach based on conceptual representations in the context of the knowledge society

I Escamilla, M Torres-Ruiz, M Moreno-Ibarra… - … Journal on Semantic …, 2016 - igi-global.com
In this paper, an approach to geocode tweets published in Spanish is proposed. The tweets
are related to traffic events within an urban context of the Mexico City. They are generated by …

A study on the retweeting behaviour of marketing microblogs with high retweets in Sina Weibo

Z Zhang, B Li, W Zhao, J Yang - 2015 Third International …, 2015 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
This research studies marketing microblogs with high retweets in Sina Weibo. The content
features of marketing microblogs, the structural and temporal characteristics of retweet …

Social media mining for veterinary epidemiological surveillance

AS Munaf - 2023 - dspace.stir.ac.uk
Extensive records are kept in the UK regarding large-scale farms, which include information
on farm sizes, locations, disease outbreaks, and the movement of animals. This data …

Geocoding Tweets Based on Semantic Web and Ontologies

I Escamilla, MT Ruíz, MM Ibarra, VL Soto… - … , and Applications of …, 2018 - igi-global.com
Human ability to understand approximate references to locations, disambiguated by means
of context and reasoning about spatial relationships, is the key to describe spatial …

[PDF][PDF] Geocodificación semántica

I Escamilla Bouchan - 2016 - tesis.ipn.mx
La capacidad humana de entender las referencias aproximadas a lugares, mediante la
desambiguación del contexto y el razonamiento de las relaciones espaciales, es la clave …

Geocoding of Spatial Relationships Contained in Tweets

I Escamilla, CA Davis Jr, M Moreno-Ibarra… - International Journal of …, 2016 - igi-global.com
Human ability to understand approximate references to locations, disambiguated by means
of context and reasoning about spatial relationships, is the key to describe spatial …

[PDF][PDF] Actas de la 9ª Conferencia Ibérica de Sistemas y Tecnologías de Informacion Barcelona, España 18 al 21 de junio de 2014

Este libro contiene los artículos aceptados para su presentación y discusión en la 9ª
Conferencia Ibérica de Sistemas y Tecnologías de Información (CISTI'2014), organizada por …

Geocoding of microblogs based on ontologies

IE Bouchán, MAM Ibarra, MJT Ruíz… - 2014 9th Iberian …, 2014 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
This paper proposes a methodology for geocoding microblogs texts in Spanish, in order to
identify the location of entities, spatial relationships and events pertaining to a particular …

[PDF][PDF] 多様な特徴量を同時に考慮したソーシャルメディア上のユーザプロフィール推定

廣田遼 - 2023 - dspace.jaist.ac.jp
概要ソーシャルメディアの発展により, 多くの新しい情報がユーザによって発信されている.
これに伴い, トレンドワード検出やオピニオンマイニングなど, ソーシャルメディア上の情報の分析の …