Is American populism a persistent political phenomena? Using a new dataset linking county vote shares in the 1890s with recent periods, we show that populist movements in the United …
After the end of World War II in 1945, millions of refugees arrived in what in 1949 became the Federal Republic of Germany. We examine their effect on today's productivity, wages …
Is American populism a persistent political phenomena? Using a new dataset linking county vote shares in the 1890s with recent periods, we show that populist movements in the United …
We survey the recent literature in economics using open-ended survey data to uncover mechanisms behind economic beliefs and behaviors. We first provide an overview of …
Abstract Diese Dissertation untersucht die Beziehung zwischen dem sozioökonomischen Hintergrund einer Person und deren politischen sowie Bildungsentscheidungen. Im ersten …
Can large-scale interventions shift political norms? In a major denazification program, millions of Germans were questioned about their political past by courts. I document how …
We survey the recent literature in economics measuring what is on top of people's minds using open-ended questions. We first provide an overview of studies in political economy …
Historical social science research on the electoral politics of transitional countries is often undermined by a lack of disaggregated, fine-grained election data. This paper presents the …