A survey on information visualization: recent advances and challenges

S Liu, W Cui, Y Wu, M Liu - The Visual Computer, 2014 - Springer
Abstract Information visualization (InfoVis), the study of transforming data, information, and
knowledge into interactive visual representations, is very important to users because it …

Visual analytics: A comprehensive overview

W Cui - IEEE access, 2019 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
With the ever-increasing amount of data, the world has stepped into the era of “Big Data”.
Presently, the analysis of massive and complex data and the extraction of relevant …

[PDF][PDF] 大数据可视分析综述

任磊, 杜一, 马帅, 张小龙, 戴国忠 - 软件学报, 2014 - jos.org.cn
可视分析是大数据分析的重要方法. 大数据可视分析旨在利用计算机自动化分析能力的同时,
充分挖掘人对于可视化信息的认知能力优势, 将人, 机的各自强项进行有机融合 …

[HTML][HTML] Towards better analysis of machine learning models: A visual analytics perspective

S Liu, X Wang, M Liu, J Zhu - Visual Informatics, 2017 - Elsevier
Interactive model analysis, the process of understanding, diagnosing, and refining a
machine learning model with the help of interactive visualization, is very important for users …

Data-intensive applications, challenges, techniques and technologies: A survey on Big Data

CLP Chen, CY Zhang - Information sciences, 2014 - Elsevier
It is already true that Big Data has drawn huge attention from researchers in information
sciences, policy and decision makers in governments and enterprises. As the speed of …

A survey of visual analytics techniques and applications: State-of-the-art research and future challenges

GD Sun, YC Wu, RH Liang, SX Liu - Journal of Computer Science and …, 2013 - Springer
Visual analytics employs interactive visualizations to integrate users' knowledge and
inference capability into numerical/algorithmic data analysis processes. It is an active …

Recent advances and challenges in uncertainty visualization: a survey

A Kamal, P Dhakal, AY Javaid, VK Devabhaktuni… - Journal of …, 2021 - Springer
With data comes uncertainty, which is a widespread and frequent phenomenon in data
science and analysis. The amount of information available to us is growing exponentially …

“Dave... I can assure you... that it's going to be all right...” A definition, case for, and survey of algorithmic assurances in human-autonomy trust relationships

BW Israelsen, NR Ahmed - ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR), 2019 - dl.acm.org
People who design, use, and are affected by autonomous artificially intelligent agents want
to be able to trust such agents—that is, to know that these agents will perform correctly, to …

Industrial big data analytics: challenges, methodologies, and applications

JP Wang, WS Zhang, YK Shi, SH Duan… - arXiv preprint arXiv …, 2018 - arxiv.org
While manufacturers have been generating highly distributed data from various systems,
devices and applications, a number of challenges in both data management and data …

Big data visualization and analytics: Future research challenges and emerging applications

G Andrienko, N Andrienko, SM Drucker… - BigVis 2020: Big data …, 2020 - inria.hal.science
In the context of data visualization and analytics, this report outlines some of the challenges
and emerging applications that arise in the Big Data era. In particularly, fourteen …