The consumption of halalan tayyiban food is a religious requirement in Islamic law. The advent of Islam which was guided by the revelations (wahy) shaped the features of halal …
Mazhab Syafi'i sudah lama bertapak di Malaysia seiring dengan perkembangan Islam di Alam Melayu. Kelangsungan proses transmisi mazhab ini sama ada dari rantau Timur …
MPA Malik - Jurnal Usuluddin, 2021 -
This article is a discussion the tajdid thinking of Tahir Jalaluddin. He is a famous reformist figure in Malaya at early 20th century. The pattern of his tajdid are very advanced and ahead …
The management and transfer of knowledge have been actively discussed lately, specifically in relation to managing information. However, it is not yet actively pursued from …
Talfiq is one of the methodologies to create the resolution of hukm based on the treasure of fiqh introduced by classical Islamic scholars. Despite that, the use of this methodology is still …
MLB Daud, MIAM Kashim - UMRAN-Journal of Islamic and …, 2018 -
This article discusses the principles of law applicable to the distribution of meat (Qurbani) to non-muslims by Syafie school of thought. There are differences of opinion among scholars …
Mutakhir ini, teori maqāṣid al-sharī'ah mahupun aplikasinya dalam hukum Islam telah diwacanakan secara meluas oleh kebanyakan sarjana Islam. Antara sarjana yang turut …
Mazhab al-Shafi 'i adalah mazhab utama yang menjadi asas kepada pelbagai penetapan hukum syarak dalam urusan pentadbiran dan pengurusan agama di Malaysia …
Talfiq merupakan salah satu konsep yang sering digunakan oleh para ulama pada masa kini sekalipun ia tidak dikategorikan sebagai salah satu sumber hukum Islam. Sungguhpun …