Classification of intrinsically disordered regions and proteins

R Van Der Lee, M Buljan, B Lang, RJ Weatheritt… - Chemical …, 2014 - ACS Publications
Over the past decade, we have observed a massive increase in the amount of information
describing protein sequences from a variety of organisms. 1, 2 While this may reflect the …

Novel machine learning approaches revolutionize protein knowledge

N Bordin, C Dallago, M Heinzinger, S Kim… - Trends in Biochemical …, 2023 -
Breakthrough methods in machine learning (ML), protein structure prediction, and novel
ultrafast structural aligners are revolutionizing structural biology. Obtaining accurate models …

Watching proteins wiggle: mapping structures with two-dimensional infrared spectroscopy

A Ghosh, JS Ostrander, MT Zanni - Chemical reviews, 2017 - ACS Publications
Proteins exhibit structural fluctuations over decades of time scales. From the picosecond
side chain motions to aggregates that form over the course of minutes, characterizing protein …

[图书][B] Introduction to proteins: structure, function, and motion

A Kessel, N Ben-Tal - 2018 -
Introduction to Proteins provides a comprehensive and state-of-the-art introduction to the
structure, function, and motion of proteins for students, faculty, and researchers at all levels …

[HTML][HTML] De novo protein design: how do we expand into the universe of possible protein structures?

DN Woolfson, GJ Bartlett, AJ Burton, JW Heal… - Current opinion in …, 2015 - Elsevier
Highlights•The structural space explored by natural proteins is limited.•This raises questions:
what protein folds are possible, and how do we access them?•Parametric protein-design …

Biophysics of protein evolution and evolutionary protein biophysics

T Sikosek, HS Chan - Journal of The Royal Society …, 2014 -
The study of molecular evolution at the level of protein-coding genes often entails comparing
large datasets of sequences to infer their evolutionary relationships. Despite the importance …

De novo protein design for novel folds using guided conditional wasserstein generative adversarial networks

M Karimi, S Zhu, Y Cao, Y Shen - Journal of chemical information …, 2020 - ACS Publications
Although massive data is quickly accumulating on protein sequence and structure, there is a
small and limited number of protein architectural types (or structural folds). This study is …

ECOD domain classification of 48 whole proteomes from AlphaFold Structure Database using DPAM2

RD Schaeffer, J Zhang, KE Medvedev… - PLoS Computational …, 2024 -
Protein structure prediction has now been deployed widely across several different large
protein sets. Large-scale domain annotation of these predictions can aid in the development …

Propulsive nanomachines: the convergent evolution of archaella, flagella and cilia

M Beeby, JL Ferreira, P Tripp, SV Albers… - FEMS microbiology …, 2020 -
Echoing the repeated convergent evolution of flight and vision in large eukaryotes,
propulsive swimming motility has evolved independently in microbes in each of the three …

Experimental accuracy in protein structure refinement via molecular dynamics simulations

L Heo, M Feig - Proceedings of the National Academy of …, 2018 - National Acad Sciences
Refinement is the last step in protein structure prediction pipelines to convert approximate
homology models to experimental accuracy. Protocols based on molecular dynamics (MD) …