Sediment archives in the terrestrial and marine realm are regularly analyzed to infer changes in climate, tectonic, or anthropogenic boundary conditions of the past. However …
Sediment accumulation rates and thermal trackers suggest a substantial and global increase in erosion rates over the past few million years. That increase is commonly …
Transient sediment storage and mixing of deposits of various ages during transport across alluvial piedmonts alter the clastic sedimentary record. We quantify buffering and mixing …
Denudation is one of the main processes that shapes landscapes. Because temperature, precipitation and glacial extents are key factors involved in denudation, climatic fluctuations …
The evolution of Earth's climate over geological timescales is linked to surface erosion via weathering of silicate minerals and burial of organic carbon. However, methodological …
The modern high topography of the Tianshan resulted from the reactivation of a Paleozoic orogenic belt by the India/Asia collision. Today, the range exhibits tectonically active …
The Tianshan mountains have complex and variable topography and documenting their growth is important for understanding both intracontinental mountain building and the …
The relationship between the spatial variability of soil elements, weathering and erosion rates can be very complex. Topography, abruptly-changing elevation gradients and slopes …
Although Earth's climate history is best known through marine records, the corresponding continental climatic conditions drive the evolution of terrestrial life. Continental conditions …