Natural selection is usually studied between mutants that differ in reproductive rate, but are subject to the same population structure. Here we explore how natural selection acts on …
Populations evolve in spatially heterogeneous environments. While a certain trait might bring a fitness advantage in some patch of the environment, a different trait might be …
Spatial heterogeneity plays an important role in the evolution of drug resistance. While recent studies have indicated that spatial gradients of selection pressure can accelerate …
We present a mathematical study of the emergence of phenotypic heterogeneity in vascularized tumors. Our study is based on formal asymptotic analysis and numerical …
We consider a mathematical model for the evolutionary dynamics of tumour cells in vascularised tumours under chemotherapy. The model comprises a system of coupled …
Antibiotic-resistant infections are a growing threat to human health, but basic features of the eco-evolutionary dynamics remain unexplained. Most prominently, there is no clear …
The signature of early cancer dynamics on the spatial arrangement of tumour cells is poorly understood, and yet could encode information about how sub-clones grew within the …
The mean conditional fixation time of a mutant is an important measure of stochastic population dynamics, widely studied in ecology and evolution. Here, we investigate the …
A Mahdipour-Shirayeh, AH Darooneh, AD Long… - Scientific reports, 2017 -
Fixation probability, the probability that the frequency of a newly arising mutation in a population will eventually reach unity, is a fundamental quantity in evolutionary genetics …