Strategijski menadžment je savremena disciplina menadžmenta čiji su koreni formirani sredinom prošlog veka, ali koja je došla u žižu interesovanja teoretičara i praktičara 80-ih i …
Brz razvoj novih proizvoda, tehnologija, usluga i procesa, osnovne su karakteristike privrednih tokova u svijetu s kraja XX-og i početka XXI-og vijeka. ProizvoĎači da bi …
С Боројевић - Универзитет у Новом Саду, 2015 -
U okviru istraživanja na predmetnoj disertaciji prikazana je analiza stanja i pravci razvoja u oblasti simultanog projektovanja proizvoda i tehnoloških procesa. Detaljnije su opisane …
R Tomović - Društvena i tehnička istraživanja, 2015 -
The rapid development of new products, technologies, services and processes, are the basic characteristics of economic trends in the world of the late 20th and beginning of the …
B Petrović, D Stanivuković - Marketing, 1997 -
The paper considers two modern approaches to product development: systems concept of product development with simultaneous realization of particulars phase-especially …
S Kuzmanović - Anali Ekonomskog fakulteta u Subotici, 2003 -
The paper deals with causal-consequence relations between development policy and product life period. In these times, when the market is satiated and with a rough …
M Nikolić, Z Sajfert, M Klarin - Tehnika-Menadžment, 2006 -
The paper presents the results of the research on the relative importance of criteria for selecting a new product in food processing industry in Serbia. First of all, criteria for selecting …