Simple Summary Flat-faced (brachycephalic) dogs have increased in popularity despite growing awareness that extreme facial conformation with very bulging eyes compromises …
The popularity of brachycephalic dogs has increased worldwide despite growing evidence of their profound health and welfare issues, largely as a result of their extreme conformation …
Background Domestic rabbit breeds vary substantially from the wild rabbit body type. However, little is known about how the conformation of pet rabbits influences their health …
Manejo Anestésico de Paciente con Síndrome Respiratorio Braquiocefálico Sometido a Cirugía Correctiva: Estudio de Caso | MQRInvestigar Ir al contenido principal Ir al menú de navegación …
Vepřové maso patří mezi druhé nejvíce konzumové maso na světě. Masný průmysl je nucen dbát na kontrolu masa a masných výrobků a zajišťování jejich vysoké kvality s rostoucími …