This research examines how destination perceptions are socially constructed in the context of international tourism. Building on social identity theory, this research proposes that the …
This study utilized generational cohort theory to enhance understanding of the motivation and destination image of Mainland Chinese tourists visiting Taiwan (ie, cross-strait tourism) …
Since 1992, the percentage of Taiwanese identifying as “Taiwanese only” increased by 50%. The literature explains the increase by generation, democratization, and military threat …
AHE Wang - Journal of East Asian Studies, 2019 -
Are Taiwanese voters polarized? By presenting four novel visualizations based on a factor analysis of Taiwan National Security Surveys from 2002 to 2017, this article describes the …
I McAllister - Asian Journal of Comparative Politics, 2016 -
Taiwan has been one of the most successful East Asian countries in transitioning from authoritarian rule to liberal democracy. Using a wide range of survey data, this paper …
WC Wu, MC Sun, WC Fu, WJ Huang - The China Quarterly, 2023 -
Since 2016, China has been conducting military flybys around Taiwan, while the US has approved arms sales to Taiwan on several occasions and sent warplanes and battleships …
For decades, scholars have constructed various ways to measure Taiwanese public opinion on the nation's future, the independence–unification (Tondu) question. While existing …
Y Wang - Strategic Studies Quarterly, 2013 - JSTOR
The Taiwan issue is one of the most intractable challenges for international security, as it has the potential to trigger a great-power war between the United States and the People's …
F Bauer, KL Wilson - The China Quarterly, 2022 -
China is accused of conducting disinformation campaigns on Taiwan's social media. Existing studies on foreign interventions in democratic societies predict that such …