Fast application notification in a clustered computing system

C Colrain - US Patent 7,747,717, 2010 - Google Patents
US7747717B2 - Fast application notification in a clustered computing system - Google Patents
US7747717B2 - Fast application notification in a clustered computing system - Google Patents …

Hierarchical management of the dynamic allocation of resources in a multi-node system

B Souder, D Chatterjee, L Chidambaran… - US Patent …, 2009 - Google Patents
(60) PrOVlslOnal aPPhcanon NO '_60/500'096'? led on Sep'systems between services
provided by the multi-node data 3'2003'provlslonal aPPJICaUOH N_O'69/500950'? led base …

Managing workload by service

C Colrain, D Semler - US Patent 7,664,847, 2010 - Google Patents
Approaches for manage and measuring workload on computer resources by measuring
workload in ways that are independent of physical hardware and that correlate to ways in …

An up-to-date survey in web load balancing

K Gilly, C Juiz, R Puigjaner - World Wide Web, 2011 - Springer
This survey is an up-to-date state-of-the-art in Web load balancing mechanisms that
includes all the possible classifications and focuses on the advantages of using load …

Service placement for enforcing performance and availability levels in a multi-node system

L Chidambaran, CA Kantarjiev - US Patent 7,437,460, 2008 - Google Patents
a typical enterprise data processing system allocates individual resources for each of the
enterprise's applications. Enough resources are acquired for each application to handle the …

Resilient TCP splicing for proxy services

D Joachimpillai, JW Chung, M Richardson - US Patent 9,319,476, 2016 - Google Patents
A transparent proxy device includes an ingress, an egress, and an application proxy. The
ingress and the egress operate up to a layer four communication layer. The transparent …

Suspending and resuming of sessions

S Kaluskar, S Gollapudi - US Patent 9,176,772, 2015 - Google Patents
3,444,528 A 5, 1969 Lovellet al. 4,586,134 A 4, 1986 Norstedt 4,868,832 A 9/1989
Marrington et al. 5,047,922 A 9, 1991 Borkar 5,157,663 A 10/1992 Major et al. 5,179,660 A …

Recoverable asynchronous message driven processing in a multi-node system

L Chidambaran, D Chatterjee - US Patent 8,365,193, 2013 - Google Patents
An approach provides for recovery of message driven direc tors responsible for dynamically
allocating resources within a multi-node database system. The receipt of a message, the …

Fast reorganization of connections in response to an event in a clustered computing system

C Colrain, R Irudayaraj - US Patent 7,953,860, 2011 - Google Patents
(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Hickman Palermo Truong (60) Provisional application No.
60/500,096, filed on Sep. & Becker LLP: Deborah L. Caswell 3, 2003, provisional application …

Method and system for dynamically rebalancing client sessions within a cluster of servers connected to a network

AA Desai, BK Martin, JR McGee… - US Patent 8,909,782, 2014 - Google Patents
US8909782B2 - Method and system for dynamically rebalancing client sessions within a
cluster of servers connected to a network - Google Patents US8909782B2 - Method and system …