Quantum sensing and metrology use coherent superposition states of quantum systems to detect and measure physical effects of interest. Their sensitivity is typically limited by the …
The standard quantum limit bounds the precision of measurements that can be achieved by ensembles of uncorrelated particles. Fundamentally, this limit arises from the non …
The control over quantum states in atomic systems has led to the most precise optical atomic clocks so far,–. Their sensitivity is bounded at present by the standard quantum limit, a …
Synthetic quantum systems with interacting constituents play an important role in quantum information processing and in explaining fundamental phenomena in many-body physics …
Strongly driven systems of emitters offer an attractive source of light over broad spectral ranges up to the X-ray region. A key limitation of these systems is that the light they emit is …
Spin squeezing is a form of entanglement that reshapes the quantum projection noise to improve measurement precision. Here, we provide numerical and analytic evidence for the …
We propose an improved scheme to do the time-dependent variational principle (TDVP) in finite matrix product states (MPSs) for two-dimensional systems or one-dimensional systems …
Although entanglement is a key resource for quantum-enhanced metrology, not all entanglement is useful. For example, in the process of many-body thermalization, bipartite …
We propose a method to measure time-reversal symmetry violation in molecules that overcomes the standard quantum limit while leveraging decoherence-free subspaces to …