The Relationship Between Student Learning Types and Indonesian Language Learning Achievement in FTIK IAIN Palopo Students

F Firman, M Mirnawati, S Sukirman, N Aswar - Jurnal Konsepsi, 2020 -
This study aims to determine the type of learning, achievement and the relationship between
the type of learning and student achievement in FTIK IAIN PAlopo students. The population …

Learning Evaluation Management Improving the Quality of Graduates in State Islamic Institute of Palopo.

S JH - Online Submission, 2020 - ERIC
The purpose of this study was to determine the implementation of learning evaluation
management in improving the quality of graduates at the Palopo State Islamic Institute. This …

Application of Principal Management to Improve Teacher Performance during the Covid 19 Period in Elementary Schools

M Shaleh, F Zainuddin, M Suli - Didaktika: Jurnal Kependidikan, 2021 -
This study aims to: 1) find out the principal management program in improving teacher
performance during covid 19 learning at SD Negeri 030 Sabbang Loang, Baebunta District …

Peningkatan Pemahaman Mata Pelajaran PAI melalui Pendampingan Siswa di Luar Jam PBM di Pondok Pesantren Darul Istiqamah Leppangang

N Nurdin, M Masmuddin, M Shaleh - Jurnal Konsepsi, 2019 -
Adapun yang menjadi bahasan skripsi ini adalah: 1) Bagaimana bentuk-bentuk kegiatan
Peningkatan Pemahaman siswa terhadap mata pelajaran PAI Dengan Melakukan …

Management of Independent Business-Based Private Madrasah Development at Madrasah Aliyah

M Shaleh, A Riawarda… - Kontigensi: Jurnal Ilmiah …, 2019 -
This research aimed to know determine the management development of Madrasah Aliyah
As' adiyah No. 16 Abbreviation Sabbang District, North Luwu Regency; To find out the …

Bibliometric Analysis of Evaluation in Physical Education: A Study Based on The Scopus Database From 2013 to 2023

S Hardiansyah, N Kusmaedi, A Ma'mun… - Journal of Innovation in …, 2024 -
Abstract Evaluation in physical education provides information about the extent to which
physical education objectives have been achieved and ensures that all processes have …

Learning Evaluation Management: Improving The Quality of Graduates in State Islamic Institute of Palopo

JH Sabri, B Baderiah - International Journal of Asian …, 2020 -
The purpose of this study was to determine the implementation of learning evaluation
management in improving the quality of graduates at the Palopo State Islamic Institute. This …

Effectiveness of Teacher and Student Communication in Improving Student Achievement in Junior High School

N Nursyamsi, M Alinurdin - Jurnal Konsepsi, 2024 -
This study aims to determine the importance of communication in the learning process of
subjects at SMP Negeri 2 Maros. This study uses a quantitative and qualitative research …

Analisis Efektivitas Metode Mengajar Guru Pendidikan Agama Islam di Sekolah Dasar Negeri 31 Tarobok Kecamatan Baebunta Kabupaten Luwu Utara

D Sari - Jurnal Konsepsi, 2018 -
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis efektivitas metode mengajar guru Pendidikan
Agama Islam di Sekolah Dasar Negeri 031 Tarobok Kecamatan Baebunta Kabupaten Luwu …

Upaya Guru Meningkatkan Konsentrasi Belajar Peserta Didik pada Mata Pelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam di Sekolah Dasar

M Muhtar, H Kamal, AS Assaad - Jurnal Konsepsi, 2019 -
Adapun yang menjadi pokok penelitian ini adalah: 1) Bagaimana konsentrasi belajar
peserta didik di SDN 277 Sambirejo Kecamatan Lamasi Kabupaten Luwu, 2) Faktor apa …