I Irwandi, OS Sitompul… - … International of Social …, 2021 - randwickresearch.com
The basic concept of the subtractive clustering algorithm is to choose a data point that has the highest density (potential) in a space (variable) as the center of the cluster. The number …
Clustering is a method of the grouping which is done by looking at the similarities between data in a data set. Fuzzy clustering is a clustering method that uses fuzzy set membership …
Clustering is a data analysis process which applied to classify the unlabeled data. Fuzzy clustering is a clustering method based on membership value which enclosing set of fuzzy …
Objective: Fuzzy clustering algorithm is a partition method used to assign objects from a data set to a cluster by marking the average location. Furthermore, Fuzzy Subtractive Clustering …
Pembukaan UUD 1945 alinea ke-4 menyebutkan bahwa salah satu tujuan utama negara Indonesia adalah kesejahteraan. Namun, sejak pandemi Corona Virus Disease atau COVID …
D Maulidya, Y ASDI, H YOZZA - Jurnal Matematika UNAND, 2022 - jmua.fmipa.unand.ac.id
Pendidikan menjadi salah satu tujuan utama dalam rencana pembangunan di Indonesia. Pembangunan pendidikan diukur dengan indikator-indikator terkait pendidikan …
Natural disasters are a wide range of damage due to natural phenomena that hazardous events interacting human population. Central Sulawesi is one of the provinces in Indonesia …
Deafness is a condition where an individual's hearing cannot function normally. So, sign language was created which was used as a solution to the problem. In Indonesia, the sign …
The basic concept of the subtractive clustering algorithm is to choose a data point that has the highest density (potential) in a space (variable) as the center of the cluster. The number …