Background Physical fitness is a powerful health marker in childhood and adolescence, and it is reasonable to think that it might be just as important in younger children, ie preschoolers …
Aim These international clinical practice recommendations (CPR) for developmental coordination disorder (DCD), initiated by the European Academy of Childhood Disability …
Background Most babies are born healthy and grow and develop normally through childhood. There are, however, clearly identifiable high-risk groups of survivors, such as …
Valid and reliable tests of motor competence are necessary to allow researchers and practitioners to quantify levels of motor competence, identify skill deficiencies, and determine …
Abstract Objectives In childhood (> 6 years-old) and adolescence, fitness testing is feasible, reliable and related to later health. The purpose of this study was to examine the feasibility …
Abstract The Movement Assessment Battery for Children 2nd edition (MABC-2) is a well- recognized assessment used to identify children with Developmental Coordination Disorder …
Facets of fine motor skills (FMS) and finger gnosia have been reported to predict young children's numerical competencies, possibly by affecting early finger counting experiences …
Background Good motor skills are considered important for children's physical, social, and psychological development, but the relationship is still poorly understood. Preschool age …
This study explored the associations between Facebook addiction and personality factors. A total of 114 participants (age range of participants is 18–30 and males were 68.4% and …