We present a detailed study of a generalised one-dimensional Kronig–Penney model using δ-δ'δ-δ′ potentials. We analyse the band structure and the density of states in two …
Nature creates electrons with two values of the spin projection quantum number. In certain applications, it is important to filter electrons with one spin projection from the rest. Such …
M Bordag - Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 2019 - iopscience.iop.org
Abstract We investigate Bose–Einstein condensation of a noninteracting gas of Bose particles moving in the background of a periodic lattice of delta functions. In the one …
In this paper we propose a coupling between the complex scalar field and an external Dirac delta-like planar potential. The coupling is achieved through the Klein–Gordon current …
We consider polarizable sheets, which recently received some attention, especially in the context of the dispersion interaction of thin sheets like graphene. These sheets are modeled …
We consider Casimir-Polder and Casimir forces with finite dissipation by coupling heat baths to the dipoles introducing, this way, dissipation from first principles. We derive a …
The quantum vacuum fluctuations of a neutral scalar field induced by background zero- range potentials concentrated on a flat hyperplane of co-dimension 1 in (d+ 1)-dimensional …
S Leble - Наносистемы: физика, химия, математика, 2018 - cyberleninka.ru
Problems of quantum description of nanostructures transport properties is investigated in a framework of the structure symmetry group. Corresponding states of conductivity electrons …
D Fermi - Modern Physics Letters A, 2020 - World Scientific
The Casimir energy for a massless, neutral scalar field in presence of a point interaction is analyzed using a general zeta-regularization approach developed in earlier works. In …