SM Je, SH Kim, SY Woo - Ecological research, 2018 - Springer
The threat of drought to trees is predicted to increase due to global warming. In a forest stand, the physiological responses of trees can differ depending on the light conditions. We …
Sažetak Essential signaling processes such as changes in calcium mobilization, protein phosphorylation and gene expression are known to be modulated by hydrogen peroxide …
A Einali, M Shariati - Theoretical and Experimental Plant Physiology, 2015 - Springer
Abstract Effects of n-propyl gallate, a plastid terminal oxidase inhibitor involved in chlororespiration, on photosystem II efficiency in Dunaliella bardawil under low or high …
The objective of this study was to investigate changes in photosynthetic efficiency applying repeated measures ANOVA using the photosynthetic performance index (PIABS) of the JIP …
M Viljevac, K Dugalić, H Lepeduš, I Mihaljević… - Poljoprivreda, 2012 -
Sažetak Cilj je ovoga rada bilo istražiti promjene u fotosintetskoj učinkovitosti uporabljajui ANOVA-u ponovljenih mjerenja za indeks fotosintetske učinkovitosti (PI) dobivenoga JIP …
Rostliny vyvinuly řadu strategií, které jim umožňují minimalizovat negativní působení okolního prostředí. V důsledku působení stresu dochází často k ovlivnění metabolismu …