Regulation of increased blood flow (hyperemia) to muscles during exercise: a hierarchy of competing physiological needs

MJ Joyner, DP Casey - Physiological reviews, 2015 -
This review focuses on how blood flow to contracting skeletal muscles is regulated during
exercise in humans. The idea is that blood flow to the contracting muscles links oxygen in …

Importance of hemodynamic forces as signals for exercise-induced changes in endothelial cell phenotype

MH Laughlin, SC Newcomer… - Journal of applied …, 2008 -
Current evidence indicates that the ability of physical activity to sustain a normal phenotype
of arterial endothelial cells (ECs) plays a central role in the beneficial effects of exercise (Ex) …

Acute effects of blood flow restriction on muscle activity and endurance during fatiguing dynamic knee extensions at low load

M Wernbom, R Järrebring… - The Journal of …, 2009 -
Wernbom, M, Järrebring, R, Andreasson, MA, and Augustsson, J. Acute effects of blood flow
restriction on muscle activity and endurance during fatiguing dynamic knee extensions at …

Investigating the autoregulation of applied blood flow restriction training pressures in healthy, physically active adults: an intervention study evaluating acute training …

E Jacobs, N Rolnick, E Wezenbeek… - British Journal of …, 2023 -
Objective To examine the effects of autoregulated (AUTO) and non-autoregulated (NAUTO)
blood flow restriction (BFR) application on adverse effects, performance, cardiovascular and …

Interaction of factors determining critical power

RP Goulding, S Marwood - Sports medicine, 2023 - Springer
The physiological determinants of high-intensity exercise tolerance are important for both
elite human performance and morbidity, mortality and disease in clinical settings. The …

Sex differences in leg vasodilation during graded knee extensor exercise in young adults

BA Parker, SL Smithmyer, JA Pelberg… - Journal of Applied …, 2007 -
Limb vascular conductance responses to pharmacological and nonexercise vasodilator
stimuli are generally augmented in women compared with men. In the present investigation …

Association between exercise hemodynamics and changes in local vascular function following acute exercise

JU Gonzales, BC Thompson… - Applied Physiology …, 2011 -
Skeletal muscle contractions are associated with physical stimuli that act upon muscle
vasculature, including increased shear stress and blood pressure. It is unclear if acute …

[PDF][PDF] Massage impairs postexercise muscle blood flow and “lactic acid” removal

EV Wiltshire, V Poitras, M Pak, T Hong… - Med Sci Sports …, 2010 -
TSCHAKOVSKY. Massage Impairs Postexercise Muscle Blood Flow and" Lactic Acid" …

Dynamics of noninvasively estimated microvascular O2 extraction during ramp exercise

LF Ferreira, S Koga, TJ Barstow - Journal of applied …, 2007 -
Utilization of near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) in clinical exercise testing to detect
microvascular abnormalities requires characterization of the responses in healthy …

Influence of duty cycle on the power-duration relationship: observations and potential mechanisms

RM Broxterman, CJ Ade, SL Wilcox, SJ Schlup… - Respiratory physiology …, 2014 - Elsevier
The highest sustainable rate of aerobic metabolism [critical power (CP)] and the finite
amount of work that can be performed above CP (W'[curvature constant]) were determined …