[PDF][PDF] Performance analysis of the European XFEL SRF cavities, from vertical test to operation in modules

N Walker, D Reschke, J Schaffran, L Steder… - Proc. LINAC' …, 2016 - accelconf.web.cern.ch
More than 800 resonators have been fabricated, vertically qualified and operated in module
tests before the accelerating module installation in the linac, which will be completed before …

[PDF][PDF] Performance of superconducting cavities for the European XFEL

D Reschke - this conference, THYB01, 2016 - accelconf.web.cern.ch
The superconducting accelerator of the European XFEL consists of the injector part and the
main linac. The injector includes one 1.3 GHz accelerator module and one 3.9 GHz third …

[PDF][PDF] Recent Progress with Eu-XFEL

D Reschke, D Hamburg - SFR, Canada, USA, 2015 - accelconf.web.cern.ch
The superconducting accelerator of the European XFEL consists of the injector part and the
main linac. The injector includes one 1.3 GHz accelerator module and one 3.9 GHz third …

Optical surface properties and their RF limitations of European XFEL cavities

M Wenskat - Superconductor Science and Technology, 2017 - iopscience.iop.org
The inner surface of superconducting cavities plays a crucial role to achieve highest
accelerating fields and low losses. The industrial fabrication of cavities for the European X …

First attempts in automated defect recognition in superconducting radio-frequency cavities

M Wenskat - Journal of Instrumentation, 2019 - iopscience.iop.org
The inner surface of superconducting cavities plays a crucial role to achieve highest
accelerating fields. The industrial fabrication of cavities for the European X-Ray Free …

[PDF][PDF] Analysis of the RF test results from the on-going cavity production for the European XFEL

D Reschke, S Aderhold, V Gubarev, J Schaffran… - proceedings of …, 2014 - inspirehep.net
The main Linac of the European XFEL will consist of 100 superconducting accelerator
modules, operated at an average design gradient of 23.6 MV/m. The fabrication by industry …

[PDF][PDF] Electron beam welding of thin sheet niobium

IL Pobal, SV Yurevich - Electrotechnica and Electronica, 2016 - academia.edu
Юревич). Тази статия представя резултатите от изследване на електроннолъчево
заваряване (ЕЛЗ) на тънък лист ниобий. Направен е преглед на публикуваните данни …

Устранение дефектов сварного соединения в ниобиевом сверхпроводящем резонаторе

АА Бурин, ВГ Залесский… - … академии наук Беларуси …, 2023 - vestift.belnauka.by
Аннотация Исследованы возможные причины появления дефектов при сварке
ниобиевого сверхпроводящего коаксиального полуволнового резонатора (HWR) …

Особенности образования дефектов сварных швов при ЭЛС деталей сверхпроводящих СВЧ резонаторов из тонколистового ниобия

ВГ Залесский, ИЛ Поболь, СВ Юревич - Электронно-лучевая сварка и …, 2017 - elibrary.ru
В работе рассмотрены особенности образования дефектов геометрии сварного шва,
возникающих при ЭЛС деталей сверхпроводящих сверхвысокочастотных резонаторов …