Weight-sharing neural architecture search: A battle to shrink the optimization gap

L Xie, X Chen, K Bi, L Wei, Y Xu, L Wang… - ACM Computing …, 2021 - dl.acm.org
Neural architecture search (NAS) has attracted increasing attention. In recent years,
individual search methods have been replaced by weight-sharing search methods for higher …

Searching efficient 3d architectures with sparse point-voxel convolution

H Tang, Z Liu, S Zhao, Y Lin, J Lin, H Wang… - European conference on …, 2020 - Springer
Self-driving cars need to understand 3D scenes efficiently and accurately in order to drive
safely. Given the limited hardware resources, existing 3D perception models are not able to …

EMONAS-Net: Efficient multiobjective neural architecture search using surrogate-assisted evolutionary algorithm for 3D medical image segmentation

MB Calisto, SK Lai-Yuen - Artificial intelligence in medicine, 2021 - Elsevier
Deep learning plays a critical role in medical image segmentation. Nevertheless, manually
designing a neural network for a specific segmentation problem is a very difficult and time …

MI-UNet: multi-inputs UNet incorporating brain parcellation for stroke lesion segmentation from T1-weighted magnetic resonance images

Y Zhang, J Wu, Y Liu, Y Chen, EX Wu… - IEEE Journal of …, 2020 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Stroke is a serious manifestation of various cerebrovascular diseases and one of the most
dangerous diseases in the world today. Volume quantification and location detection of …

Pvnas: 3d neural architecture search with point-voxel convolution

Z Liu, H Tang, S Zhao, K Shao… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2021 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
3D neural networks are widely used in real-world applications (eg, AR/VR headsets, self-
driving cars). They are required to be fast and accurate; however, limited hardware …

A review of AutoML optimization techniques for medical image applications

MJ Ali, M Essaid, L Moalic, L Idoumghar - Computerized Medical Imaging …, 2024 - Elsevier
Automatic analysis of medical images using machine learning techniques has gained
significant importance over the years. A large number of approaches have been proposed …

Lidarnas: Unifying and searching neural architectures for 3d point clouds

C Liu, Z Leng, P Sun, S Cheng, CR Qi, Y Zhou… - … on Computer Vision, 2022 - Springer
Developing neural models that accurately understand objects in 3D point clouds is essential
for the success of robotics and autonomous driving. However, arguably due to the higher …

Ldmres-Net: a lightweight neural network for efficient medical image segmentation on iot and edge devices

S Iqbal, TM Khan, SS Naqvi, A Naveed… - IEEE Journal of …, 2023 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
In this study, we propose LDMRes-Net, a lightweight dual-multiscale residual block-based
convolutional neural network tailored for medical image segmentation on IoT and edge …

[PDF][PDF] 基于U-Net 结构改进的医学影像分割技术综述

殷晓航, 王永才, 李德英 - 软件学报, 2020 - jos.org.cn
深度学习在医学影像分割领域得到广泛应用, 其中, 2015 年提出的U-Net 因其分割小目标效果较
好, 结构具有可扩展性, 自提出以来受到广泛关注. 近年来, 随着医学图像割性能要求的提升 …

Density-aware U-net for unstructured environment dust segmentation

Y Fu, M Gao, G Xie, M Hu, C Wei… - IEEE Sensors Journal, 2024 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Vision-based segmentation methods rely heavily on image quality, and mining
environments are full of dust, which greatly reduces visibility. Efficient and accurate …