Formal Methods for Socio-technical Security: (Formal and Automated Analysis of Security Ceremonies)

L Viganò - … Conference on Coordination Languages and Models, 2022 - Springer
Software engineers and analysts traditionally focus on cyber systems as technical systems,
which are built only from software processes, communication protocols, crypto algorithms …

Quantum state transformations and branching distributed temporal logic

L Vigano, M Volpe, M Zorzi - International Workshop on Logic, Language …, 2014 - Springer
Abstract The Distributed Temporal Logic DTL allows one to reason about temporal
properties of a distributed system from the local point of view of the system's agents, which …

[HTML][HTML] A branching distributed temporal logic for reasoning about entanglement-free quantum state transformations

L Vigano, M Volpe, M Zorzi - Information and Computation, 2017 - Elsevier
Abstract The Distributed Temporal Logic DTL allows one to reason about temporal
properties of a distributed system from the local point of view of the system's agents, which …

[PDF][PDF] Analyse des protocoles cryptographiques par les fonctions témoins

J Fattahi - 2016 -
Résumé Les protocoles cryptographiques constituent le coeur de la sécurité dans les
communications de tous genres. Ils assurent l'authentification des agents, la confidentialité …

Model checking distributed temporal logic

F Dionísio, J Ramos, F Subtil… - Logic Journal of the …, 2024 -
The distributed temporal logic (DTL) is a logic for reasoning about temporal properties of
distributed systems from the local point of view of the system's agents, which are assumed to …

Using temporal probabilistic logic for optimal monitoring of security events with limited resources

S Jajodia, N Park, E Serra… - Journal of Computer …, 2016 -
Managed security services (MSS) are becoming increasingly popular today. In MSS,
enterprises contract a security firm such as Symantec or IBM to manage security of their …

[HTML][HTML] Formal verification of a peer-to-peer streaming protocol

OE Ojo, AO Oluwatope, SO Ajadi - … of King Saud University-Computer and …, 2020 - Elsevier
Peer (P2P) networks have emerged as an efficient and affordable means of transmitting
videos to numerous end-users via the Internet. The dynamic and heterogeneous nature of …

[PDF][PDF] Formal Methods for Socio-Technical Security

L Viganò - Coordination Models and Languages: 24th IFIP WG 6.1 …, 2022 -
Software engineers and analysts traditionally focus on cyber systems as technical systems,
which are built only from software processes, communication protocols, crypto algorithms …

Bounded model checking distributed temporal logic

A Peres, J Ramos, F DionÍsio - Journal of Logic and …, 2023 -
The distributed temporal logic (DTL) is a logic for reasoning about temporal properties of
distributed systems from the local point of view of the system's agents, which are assumed to …

Simulation of biological cells by systems composed of string-processing finite automata

WR Stahl, RW Coffin, HE Goheen - Proceedings of the April 21-23, 1964 …, 1964 -
In the last few years enormous progress has been made in clarifying the operational
mechanisms of living cells. It has been established beyond reasonable doubt that all …