Minimum threshold determination method based on dataset characteristics in association rule mining

E Hikmawati, NU Maulidevi, K Surendro - Journal of Big Data, 2021 - Springer
Association rule mining is a technique that is widely used in data mining. This technique is
used to identify interesting relationships between sets of items in a dataset and predict …

[HTML][HTML] How can we use artificial intelligence for stock recommendation and risk management? A proposed decision support system

RMD Gonzales, CA Hargreaves - International Journal of Information …, 2022 - Elsevier
Background Decision-making in the stock market is convoluted as it requires significant
trading experience and knowledge. Faced with a huge range of stocks, investors in the stock …

Drug Recommender Systems: A Review of State-of-the-Art Algorithms

TO Omodunbi, GE Alilu… - 2022 5th Information …, 2022 -
Drug Recommender Systems (DRSs) which are information systems that recommend drug
(s) to users based on their symptoms and other factors, have been gaining a lot of research …

Multi-criteria recommender system model for lockdown decision of Covid-19

E Hikmawati, N Ulfa Maulidevi, K Surendro - Proceedings of the 2021 …, 2021 -
A lockdown is an appropriate method to suppress the spread of COVID-19 in a region.
However, apart from the spread of COVID-19, it also affects various aspects and sectors …

Optimization of hijaiyah letter handwriting recognition model based on deep learning

A Rahmatulloh, RI Gunawan… - … in Data Science, E …, 2022 -
Hijaiyah handwriting recognition is a challenging research topic. There have been many
works and research on character recognition from various languages, but the accuracy …

Pruning strategy on adaptive rule model by sorting utility items

E Hikmawati, NU Maulidevi, K Surendro - IEEE Access, 2022 -
The adaptive Rule Model is an association rule development that formulates a minimum
threshold value according to the data characteristics. The formulation process is based on …

Rule-ranking method based on item utility in adaptive rule model

E Hikmawati, NU Maulidevi, K Surendro - PeerJ Computer Science, 2022 -
Background Decision-making is an important part of most human activities regardless of
their daily activities, profession, or political inclination. Some decisions are relatively simple …

A hybrid recommender system based on customer behavior and transaction data using generalized sequential pattern algorithm

R Somya, E Winarko, S Priyanta - Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and …, 2022 -
In the future, the quality of product suggestions in online retailers will influence client
purchasing decisions. Unqualified product suggestions can result in two sorts of errors: false …

A recommendation system for personalized daily life services to promote frailty prevention

G Frikha, X Lorca, H Pingaud, A Taweel… - … on Advances in …, 2023 - Springer
Frailty is a clinical syndrome that commonly occurs in older adults and characterizes an
intermediate state between robust health and the loss of autonomy. As such, it is crucial to …

A comprehensive survey on recommender system techniques

T Ganesan, RA Jothi… - International Journal of …, 2023 -
The recommender system (RecSys) is a relatively emergent research area in machine
learning that helps users to get personalised products, friends, documents, places and other …