Konsep pembelajaran pendidikan agama islam di era society 5.0

S Bahri - Edupedia: Jurnal Studi Pendidikan Dan Pedagogi …, 2022 - journal.ibrahimy.ac.id
Azyumardi Azra highlighted the importance of modernizing Islamic religious education so
that the Islamic paradigm can be applied not only to Muslims but also to the whole world …

Strategi Kepala Madrasah Dalam Meningkatkan Prestasi Akademik Siswa

RN Fitria, A Alwasih, MN Hakim - Academicus: Journal of …, 2022 - academicus.pdtii.org
This article aims to describe how the principal's strategy, strategic planning, and strategy
implementation in improving students' academic achievement at MAN 1 Mojokerto. This …

[PDF][PDF] Learning Outcomes of Islamic Religious Education in Various Studies in Indonesia: Correlation Meta-Analysis and Systematic Literature Review.

A Latuconsina - International Journal of Instruction, 2023 - e-iji.net
The learning outcomes of Islamic religious education can be in the form of knowledge of
Islamic teachings, the ability to read and write the Qur'an, the ability to worship according to …

Implementation of Islamic Religious Education Learning and Character in the New Normal Era

Z Abidin, D Destari, S Syafruddin, S Arifin… - Al-Hayat: Journal of …, 2022 - alhayat.or.id
This article aims to describe the planning, implementation, and evaluation of IRE (Islamic
Religious Education) and Character learning at SMK Thoriqul Ulum Pacet. This article uses …

Analisis Model Kurikulum Pendidikan Agama Islam Di Abad 21

Z Zakariyah, M Arif, N Faidah - AT-TA'DIB: JURNAL …, 2022 - ejournal.staindirundeng.ac.id
Model kurikulum pendidikan agama Islam di abad 21 mengalami perubahan signifikan,
terlebih pada abad 21 yang massif dengan melakukan kolaborasi antara kurikulum …

Manajemen lembaga pendidikan dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran tatap muka terbatas

R Mubarok - Diajar: Jurnal pendidikan dan pembelajaran, 2022 - journal.yp3a.org
The Covid-19 pandemic has shown a downward trend, allowing for limited face-to-face
learning. The purpose of writing the article is to analyze the concept of limited face-to-face …

[PDF][PDF] Perencanaan Pembelajaran Pada Pembelajaran Tatap Muka Terbatas Di Madrasah Ibtidaiyah

R Mubarok - Auladuna: Jurnal Prodi Pendidikan Guru Madrasah …, 2022 - ejournal.uas.ac.id
Turunnya kasus penyebaran Covid-19 memberikan ruang gerak yang luas bagi setiap
lembaga pendidikan untuk melaksanakan pembelajaran tatap muka, meskipun masih …

Prototype curriculum: Concepts and its role in strengthening character education after the COVID-19 pandemic

AJ Firman, U Ni'mah, N Asvio - EJIP: Educational Journal of …, 2022 - ejournal.periexca.org
The government is making efforts to restore learning by designing a prototype curriculum
because the current 2013 curriculum is seen as inflexible during the Covid-19 pandemic …

Implementasi Kurikulum Pendidikan Agama Islam Berbasis Masyarakat Di Kutai Lama

M Salim, S Suratman - Sanskara Pendidikan dan …, 2023 - sj.eastasouth-institute.com
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memahami persepsi dan pandangan masyarakat di Kutai
Lama terhadap implementasi kurikulum pendidikan agama Islam berbasis masyarakat …

Communication patterns of Islamic religious education teachers and parents in the COVID-19 Pandemic

A Akbarjono, NSS Siregar… - Al-Ishlah: Jurnal …, 2021 - journal.staihubbulwathan.id
Abstract Islamic Religious Education teachers need to establish harmonious relationships
with parents and students during the Covid-19 Pandemic even though students study from …