Play has long been identified as a potential welfare indicator because it often disappears when animals are under fitness challenge and because it is thought to be accompanied by a …
What role does playful behaviour and playful thought take in animal and human development? How does play relate to creativity and, in turn, to innovation? Unravelling the …
A groundbreaking study into the formative role of play in our lives Sergio and Vivien Pellis have synthesized three decades of empirical research to create a remarkable work …
Literature Cited to accompany Animal Communication, 2e Page 1 Principles of Animal Communication, Second Edition Jack W. Bradbury and Sandra L. Vehrencamp Chapter 14 …
Creating a healthy, social classroom environment. This book explains how the brain, as a social organism, learns best throughout the lifespan, from our early schooling through late …
In The Genesis of Animal Play, Gordon Burghardt examines the origins and evolution of play in humans and animals. He asks what play might mean in our understanding of evolution …
Discussions of the evolution of intelligence have focused on monkeys and apes because of their close evolutionary relationship to humans. Other large-brained social animals, such as …
We have an ethical responsibility to provide captive animals with environments that allow them to experience good welfare. Husbandry activities are often scheduled for the …
Play is commonly used to assess affective states in both humans and non-human animals. Play appears to be most common when animals are well-fed and not under any direct …