[引用][C] Birth of Leviathan: Building States and Regimes in Medieval and Early Modern Europe

T Ertman - 1997 - books.google.com
For many years scholars have sought to explain why the European states which emerged in
the period before the French Revolution developed along such different lines. Why did some …

[图书][B] Boundaries: the making of France and Spain in the Pyrenees

P Sahlins - 2023 - books.google.com
This book is an account of two dimension of state and nation building in France and Spain
since the seventeenth century--the invention of a national boundary line and the making of …

[图书][B] Border identities: Nation and state at international frontiers

TM Wilson, H Donnan - 1998 - books.google.com
This book offers fresh insights into the complex and various ways in which international
frontiers influence cultural identities. Ten anthropological case studies describe specific …

Control and cost accounting practices in the Spanish Royal Tobacco Factory

S Carmona, M Ezzamel, F Gutiérrez - Accounting, Organizations and …, 1997 - Elsevier
The aim of this paper is to analyse the cost accounting system implemented in 1773 by a
large, state owned, tobacco factory in Spain (the Royal Tobacco Factory, RTF) which …

[图书][B] Early modern Spain: a social history

J Casey - 2002 - taylorfrancis.com
Early Modern Spain: A social History explores the solidarities which held the Spanish nation
together at this time of conflict and change. The book studies the pattern of fellowship and …

Lending to the borrower from hell: debt, taxes, and default in the age of Philip II

M Drelichman - 2014 - torrossa.com
Blame the Midwest. Tender academic minds often need peace and quiet to get down to
business. We first met in the delightful town of La Crosse, Wisconsin (also known as “Mud …

The history of management accounting in France, Italy, Portugal, and Spain

S Carmona - Handbooks of management accounting research, 2006 - Elsevier
Historical research has shown the influence of environmental contexts on the design and
functioning of management accounting systems. In contrast to the relatively competitive …

[PDF][PDF] Bankrupt of Empire: Mexican Silver and the Wars Between Spain, Britain, and France, 1760-1810

C Marichal - 2007 - revistadelaconstruccion.uc.cl
Marichal goes in depth into this issue, arguing that “the enormous extraction of Mexican
silver… was used mainly to finance an extraordinary succession of wars between Spain …

[PDF][PDF] Sector público administrativo y estado del bienestar

F Comín, D Díaz - Estadísticas Históricas de España: Siglos XIX y XX …, 2005 - academia.edu
El sector público comprende dos grandes ámbitos: el sector público administrativo y el
sector público empresarial, que incluye las empresas públicas. En este capítulo nos …

Las musas rameras: oficio dramático y conciencia profesional en Lope de Vega

A García Reidy - 2013 - torrossa.com
Lope de Vega escribió a principios de 1616 una carta dirigida a su señor, el duque de
Sessa, en la que se disculpaba por no haber tenido tiempo para copiarle unos …