Despite the success of ChatGPT, its performances on most NLP tasks are still well below the supervised baselines. In this work, we looked into the causes, and discovered that its subpar …
In this paper, we trace the history of neural networks applied to natural language understanding tasks, and identify key contributions which the nature of language has made …
Abstract We propose the Recursive Non-autoregressive Graph-to-Graph Transformer architecture (RNGTr) for the iterative refinement of arbitrary graphs through the recursive …
Higher-order methods for dependency parsing can partially but not fully address the issue that edges in dependency trees should be constructed at the text span/subtree level rather …
The state-of-the-art models for coreference resolution are based on independent mention pair-wise decisions. We propose a modelling approach that learns coreference at the …
Dependency-based approaches to syntactic analysis assume that syntactic structure can be analyzed in terms of binary asymmetric dependency relations holding between elementary …
Recognizing and categorizing lexical collocations in context is useful for language learning, dictionary compilation and downstream NLP. However, it is a challenging task due to the …
Z Xu, H Wang, B Wang - … of the 29th International Conference on …, 2022 -
Biaffine method is a strong and efficient method for graph-based dependency parsing. However, previous work only used the biaffine method at the end of the dependency parser …
Abstract We present CamelParser2. 0, an open-source Python-based Arabic dependency parser targeting two popular Arabic dependency formalisms, the Columbia Arabic Treebank …