[图书][B] Grammatical theory: From transformational grammar to constraint-based approaches

S Müller - 2023 - library.oapen.org
This book introduces formal grammar theories that play a role in current linguistic theorizing
(Phrase Structure Grammar, Transformational Grammar/Government & Binding, Generalized …

On building a more effcient grammar by exploiting types

D Flickinger - Natural Language Engineering, 2000 - cambridge.org
Modern grammar development platforms often support multiple devices for representing
properties of a natural language, giving the grammar writer some freedom in implementing …

[PDF][PDF] The grammar matrix: An open-source starter-kit for the rapid development of cross-linguistically consistent broad-coverage precision grammars

EM Bender, D Flickinger, S Oepen - COLING-02: Grammar …, 2002 - aclanthology.org
The grammar matrix is an open-source starter-kit for the development of broadcoverage
HPSGs. By using a type hierarchy to represent cross-linguistic generalizations and providing …

[PDF][PDF] Shallow processing with unification and typed feature structures–foundations and applications

J Piskorski, U Schäfer, F Xu - Knstliche Intelligenz, 2004 - researchgate.net
Nowadays, we are witnessing an ever-growing trend of deploying lightweight linguistic
analysis for solving problems that deal with the conversion of the vast bulk of raw textual …

TDL---a type description language for constraint-based grammars

HU Krieger, U Schäfer - arXiv preprint cmp-lg/9406018, 1994 - arxiv.org
This paper presents\tdl, a typed feature-based representation language and inference
system. Type definitions in\tdl\consist of type and feature constraints over the boolean …

[PDF][PDF] Default representation in constraint-based frameworks

A Lascarides, A Copestake - Computational Linguistics, 1999 - aclanthology.org
Default unification has been used in several linguistic applications. Most of them have
utilized defaults at a metalevel, as part of an extended description language. We propose …

Continuous or discontinuous constituents? A comparison between syntactic analyses for constituent order and their processing systems

S Müller - Research on Language and Computation, 2004 - Springer
In this paper I discuss several possible analyses for constituent order in German.
Approaches that assume continuous constituents are compared with an approach that …

Towards systematic grammar profiling. test suite technology 10 years after

S Oepen, DP Flickinger - Computer Speech & Language, 1998 - Elsevier
An experiment with recent test suite and grammar (engineering) resources is outlined: a
criticial assessment of the EU-fundedtsnlp (Test Suites for Natural Language Processing) …

A bag of useful techniques for efficient and robust parsing

B Kiefer, HU Krieger - 1998 - publikationen.sulb.uni-saarland.de
This paper describes new and improved techniques which help a unification-based parser
to process input efficiently and robustly. We show that combining these methods leads to a …

[PDF][PDF] On the efficient implementation of German verb placement in HPSG

B Crysmann - Proceedings of RANLP, 2003 - researchgate.net
We report on significant performance gains (factor> 5.5 with ceiling effect, 14.7 without) that
can be achieved by a redesign of the implementation of verbmovement in an HPSG for …