The knowledge of building housing by the Rejang clan in Gunung Alam Village by trial and error using local materials as well as a simple way of reflecting the uniqueness of the form of …
Indonesia merupakan negara yang rawan gempa bumi karena posisinya berada di pertemuan tiga lempeng tektonik besar, yaitu Eurasia, Pasifik, dan Indo-Australia. Kondisi …
Indonesia is one of the countries that are susceptible to earthquakes. The traditional houses in Indonesia are generally able to resist the earthquake. They have a non-engineered …
Tujuan penulisan ini adalah bagaimana kearifan lokal dapat dimasukkan dalam materi kurikulum pendidikan kebencanaan, bagaimana rumah panggung dapat tahan terhadap …
YIP Hematang, S Octavia… - … on Science and …, 2020 -
Abstract Walina (Kombai Tribe Tree House) in Boven Digoel can stand on an old tree, becoming a curiosity for researchers to analyse the main structure of Walina which is tread …