There has been an explosion of interest in the concept of citizenship among political theorists. In 1978, it could be confidently stated that" the concept of citizenship has gone out …
When a government in a democracy acts in our name, are we, as citizens, responsible for those acts? What if the government commits a moral crime? The protestor's slogan--" Not in …
Few components of John Rawls's political philosophy have proved so epoch-making as what he somewhat oddly called the" difference principle". 2 None has exercised as great an …
Page 1 D. Exploring THE BASIC INCOME GUARANTEE BASIC INCOME RECONSIDERED SOCidl Justice, LiberOlism, Ond the Demonds of Equality Simon Birnbcum Page 2 Exploring the …
Egalitarians have traditionally been suspicious of equality of opportunity. But the past twenty five years or so have seen a sea-change in egalitarian thinking about that concept.'Luck …
Is Turkish nationalism simply a product of Kemalist propaganda from the early Turkish Republic or an inevitable consequence of a firm and developing'Turkish'identity? How do …
My purpose is to consider if, in political society, there can be any legitimate and sure principle of government, taking men as they are and laws as they might be.—Jean‐Jacques …
Die Institution der Staatsbürgerschaft (Citizenship) scheint in modernen Gesell schaften eine Selbstverständlichkeit zu sein. Sie gilt offensichtlich unhinterfragt als gegeben und …
S Birnbaum - Politics, philosophy & economics, 2011 -
Neutralists have argued that there is something illiberal about linking access to gift-like resources to work requirements. The central liberal motivation for basic income is to provide …