The meaning of race in the antebellum southern United States was anchored in the racial exclusivity of slavery (coded as black) and full citizenship (coded as white as well as male) …
Challenging notions of race and sexuality presumed to have originated and flourished in the slave South, Diane Miller Sommerville traces the evolution of white southerners' fears of …
KE Williams - They Left Great Marks on Me, 2012 -
Well after slavery was abolished, its legacy of violence left deep wounds on African Americans' bodies, minds, and lives. For many victims and witnesses of the assaults, rapes …
C Feliciano, B Robnett, G Komaie - Social science research, 2009 - Elsevier
Acceptance by the dominant group reveals the current standing of racial groups in the US hierarchy, as well as the possibility for assimilation. However, few researchers have …
KN Gross - The Journal of American History, 2015 -
On November 28, 2013, Marissa Alexander was freed from a Florida prison after serving three years of her twenty-year sentence. Her crime: firing a warning shot during a …
While many applaud the apparent successes of community and saturation policing, Neil Websdale contends instead that such law enforcement initiatives oppress rather than protect …
With a well-earned reputation for tolerance of both prostitution and miscegenation, New Orleans became known as the Great Southern Babylon in antebellum times. Following the …
The rule stare decisis et non quieta movere4 bemused Shakespeare, angered Hobbes, and confounds us still today. 5 It confounds us because it occasionally seems to stand justice on …
DM Sommerville - The Journal of Southern History, 1995 - JSTOR
IN SOUTHAMPTON COUNTY, VIRGINIA, THE SITE OF NAT TURNER'S 1831 revolt, another man of color was alleged to have committed an egregious act a few years earlier; in …