[图书][B] Islam and nation: separatist rebellion in Aceh, Indonesia

E Aspinall - 2009 - books.google.com
Rooted in the latest theoretical debates about nationalism and ethnicity, yet written in an
accessible and engaging style, Islam and Nation presents a fascinating study of the genesis …

[图书][B] State terrorism and political identity in Indonesia: Fatally belonging

A Heryanto - 2006 - taylorfrancis.com
Approximately one million innocent Indonesians were killed by their fellow nationals,
neighbours and kin at the height of an anti-communist campaign in the mid-1960s. This …

[图书][B] Decentralization and adat revivalism in Indonesia: The politics of becoming indigenous

AD Tyson - 2010 - taylorfrancis.com
This book examines the dynamic process of political transition and indigenous (adat) revival
in newly decentralized Indonesia. The political transition in May 1998 set the stage for the …

The break-up of Indonesia? Nationalisms after decolonisation and the limits of the nation-state in post-cold war Southeast Asia

E Aspinall, MT Berger - Third world quarterly, 2001 - Taylor & Francis
One noteworthy feature of the political crisis in Indonesia, which followed the Asian financial
crisis of 1997 was the speed with which the collapse of the Suharto government was …

[图书][B] Propaganda and the genocide in Indonesia: Imagined evil

S Wieringa, N Katjasungkana - 2018 - taylorfrancis.com
In Indonesia, the events of 1st October 1965 were followed by a campaign to annihilate the
Communist Party and its alleged sympathisers. It resulted in the murder of an estimate of …

[图书][B] Kebudayaan dan kekuasaan di Indonesia: Kebijakan budaya selama abad ke 20 hingga Era Reformasi

T Jones - 2015 - books.google.com
Kebudayaan Indonesia telah lama menjadi fokus perhatian Negara. Di bawah
pemerintahan kolonial Belanda, pendudukan Jepang, dan pemerintahan sendiri, kebijakan …

[图书][B] Dalih pembunuhan massal: Gerakan 30 September dan kudeta Suharto

J Roosa - 2008 - books.google.com
S aya mulai menulis tentang Gerakan 30 September saat menjadi penerima beasiswa
pascadoktoral Rockefeller Foundation di Institute of International Studies di University of …

[图书][B] Autonomy and disintegration in Indonesia

D Kingsbury, H Aveling - 2003 - books.google.com
Fragmentation in Indonesia is by far the most critical issue now facing the state. This book
analyses social unrest, autonomy and separatism in the wake of the Indonesian economic …

1965 today: living with the Indonesian massacres

M Eickhoff, G Van Klinken… - Journal of genocide …, 2017 - Taylor & Francis
Martijn Eickhoff a, Gerry van Klinken b and Geoffrey Robinson c aNIOD, Amsterdam, The
Netherlands; bKITLV, Leiden, The Netherlands; cDepartment of History, UCLA, Los Angeles …

Modernity, history and ethnicity: Indonesian and Acehnese nationalism in conflict 1

E Aspinall - Autonomy and disintegration in Indonesia, 2014 - api.taylorfrancis.com
This chapter examines the contemporary crisis of Indonesian nationalism by focusing on
one would-be nemesis, Acehnese nationalism. Contemporary Acehnese nationalism …