The topological properties of an object, associated with an integer called the topological invariant, are global features that cannot change continuously but only through abrupt …
Light harvesting, separation of charge carriers, and surface reactions are three fundamental steps that are essential for an efficient photocatalyst. Here we show that these steps in the …
In active matter systems, individual constituents convert energy into non-conservative forces or motion at the microscale, leading to morphological features and transport properties that …
The study of classical wave physics has been reinvigorated by incorporating the concept of the geometric phase, which has its roots in optics, and topological notions that were …
Topological edge modes are excitations that are localized at the materials' edges and yet are characterized by a topological invariant defined in the bulk. Such bulk–edge …
Disorder, which qualitatively describes some measure of irregularities in spatial patterns, is ubiquitous in many-body systems, equilibrium and non-equilibrium states of matter, network …
Topological insulators constitute a newly characterized state of matter that contains scatter- free edge states surrounding an insulating bulk. Conventional wisdom regards the insulating …
Non-reciprocal transmission of motion is potentially highly beneficial to a wide range of applications, ranging from wave guiding to shock and vibration damping and energy …
In solid state physics, a bandgap (BG) refers to a range of energies where no electronic states can exist. This concept was extended to classical waves, spawning the entire fields of …