Turbulence in plant canopies

J Finnigan - Annual review of fluid mechanics, 2000 - annualreviews.org
▪ Abstract The single-point statistics of turbulence in the 'roughness sub-layer'occupied by
the plant canopy and the air layer just above it differ significantly from those in the surface …

[PDF][PDF] New trends in large-eddy simulations of turbulence

M Lesieur, O Metais - Annual review of fluid mechanics, 1996 - gibbs.science
The paper presents large-eddy simulation (LES) formalism, along with the various subgrid-
scale models developed since Smagorinsky's model. We show how Kraichnan's spectral …

[图书][B] Turbulence in fluids: stochastic and numerical modelling

M Lesieur - 1987 - cambridge.org
The preface begins' Turbulence is a dangerous topic...'—with which any aircraft operator will
agree—but goes on'... which is often at the origin of serious fights in the scientific meetings …

Coherent eddies and turbulence in vegetation canopies: the mixing-layer analogy

MR Raupach, JJ Finnigan, Y Brunet - … Contribution as Editor over the Past …, 1996 - Springer
This paper argues that the active turbulence and coherent motions near the top of a
vegetation canopy are patterned on a plane mixing layer, because of instabilities associated …

On coherent-vortex identification in turbulence

Y Dubief, F Delcayre - Journal of turbulence, 2000 - iopscience.iop.org
The identification issue of coherent vortices is investigated on the basis of direct numerical
simulation (DNS) and large-eddy simulations (LES) of turbulent flows. It is first shown that …

Direct simulation of a self‐similar turbulent mixing layer

MM Rogers, RD Moser - Physics of Fluids, 1994 - pubs.aip.org
Three direct numerical simulations of incompressible turbulent plane mixing layers have
been performed. All the simulations were initialized with the same two velocity fields …

Large-eddy simulation of the turbulent mixing layer

B Vreman, B Geurts, H Kuerten - Journal of fluid mechanics, 1997 - cambridge.org
Six subgrid models for the turbulent stress tensor are tested by conducting large-eddy
simulations (LES) of the weakly compressible temporal mixing layer: the Smagorinsky …

Large-eddy simulation of transition to turbulence in a boundary layer developing spatially over a flat plate

F Ducros, P Comte, M Lesieur - Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 1996 - cambridge.org
It is well known that subgrid models such as Smagorinsky's cannot be used for the spatially
growing simulation of the transition to turbulence of flat-plate boundary layers, unless large …

Geostrophic adjustment and inverse cascades in rotating stratified turbulence.

P Bartello - Journal of the atmospheric sciences, 1995 - search.ebscohost.com
Examines rotating stratified turbulence numerically and analytically. Energy and potential
entropy conservation; Resonant interaction theory; Cascade properties of rotational and …

Subgrid-modelling in LES of compressible flow

B Vreman, B Geurts, H Kuerten - Applied scientific research, 1995 - Springer
Abstract Subgrid-models for Large Eddy Simulation (LES) of compressible turbulent flow are
tested for the three-dimensional mixing layer. For the turbulent stress tensor the recently …