Behavioral scientists routinely publish broad claims about human psychology and behavior in the world's top journals based on samples drawn entirely from Western, Educated …
Cross-culturele psychologie is de studie van de relaties tussen menselijk gedrag en de culturele context. In dit handboek komen alle vormen van gedrag aan bod, de belangrijkste …
S Metoyer, R Bednarz - Journal of Geography, 2017 - Taylor & Francis
This article provides a description and discussion of an exploratory research study that examined the effects of using geospatial technology (GST) on high school students' spatial …
R Núñez, K Cooperrider, D Doan, J Wassmann - cognition, 2012 - Elsevier
Time, an everyday yet fundamentally abstract domain, is conceptualized in terms of space throughout the world's cultures. Linguists and psychologists have presented evidence of a …
M Spitzer - Editura Humanitas, Bucuresti, 2020 -
Manfred Spitzer (n. 1958) este unul dintre cei mai faimoși specialiști în neuroștiințe din Germania, foarte implicat în dezbaterile despre tehnologie și educație. A studiat medicina …
This article investigates the extent to which the way individuals describe spatial relationships correlates with features of the local landscape. Drawing on empirical data from two …
Egocentric spatial language uses coordinates in relation to our body to talk about small- scale space ('put the knife on the right of the plate and the fork on the left'), while geocentric …
O Le Guen, LIP Balam - Frontiers in psychology, 2012 -
In numerous languages, space provides a productive domain for the expression of time. This paper examines how time-to-space mapping is realized in Yucatec Maya. At the linguistic …
All living creatures inscribe their activity in space. Human beings acquire knowledge of this space by traversing it, listening to verbal descriptions, and looking at maps, atlases, and …