A Triwati - Jurnal Ius Constituendum, 2020 - journals.usm.ac.id
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengesampingan perkara demi kepentingan umum pascaputusan Mahkamah Konstitusi Nomor 29/PUU-XIV/2016. Mengesampingkan …
A Appludnopsanji, P Pujiyono - Sasi, 2020 - fhukum.unpatti.ac.id
The position of the prosecutor's office which is under two powers namely executive and judiciary causes the prosecutor's office to become an institution that is not independent and …
Pengesampingan perkara atau deponering merupakan kewenangan Kejaksaan Republik Indonesia, khususnya Jaksa Agung. Pengaturan deponering diatur dalam Pasal 35 huruf c …
There have been many sharp criticisms regarding law enforcement by law enforcement officials where small cases that could be resolved through peaceful efforts ended up in court …
ABSTRAK Abidatu Zuhra Zilkamala (2023): Implementasi Peraturan Kejaksaan Republik Indonesia Nomor 15 Tahun 2020 Tentang Penghentian Penuntutan Berdasarkan Keadilan …
The termination of prosecution in Erna Wilis's case with Case Register Number PDM-44. SPEM/Eoh. 2/07/2020 at the West Pasaman District Attorney Office, the author analyzes the …
Penghentian penuntutan berdasarkan keadilan restoratif dilaksanakan dengan asas keadilan, kepentingan umum, proporsionalitas, pidana sebagai jalan terakhir, cepat …
N Nurkholim - LEGAL BRIEF, 2021 - legal.isha.or.id
One of the functions of a sovereign state of law is to be able to properly administer each judicial process and realize it in a very broad scope of society. This study uses a descriptive …
Penghentian penuntutan berdasarkan keadilan restoratif dilaksanakan dengan asas keadilan, kepentingan umum, proporsionalitas, pidana sebagai jalan terakhir, cepat …