The paper aims to identify the significant heterogeneity of socio-economic rural development in Poland by identifying different types of rural areas and clarifying the existing diversity. This …
Since the Second World War, Poland has been undergoing an intensive process of transformation of the economic structure of rural areas, manifested, among other things, in …
The COVID-19 pandemic not only caused a global health crisis but also had a huge impact on household finances. This research aimed to examine the financial situation of rural and …
A Bilewicz, I Bukraba-Rylska - Journal of Rural Studies, 2021 - Elsevier
In this article, the authors reflect on social consequences of the deagrarianization process, based on their study conducted in the Błaszki commune in central Poland. The study shows …
This paper determines the extent to which rural areas in Poland have been beneficiaries of the EU's Cohesion Policy (CP). The amount of funds allocated to rural areas at the local …
Poland is affected not only by a persistent regional differentiation but also by an internal polarization of regional development levels, particularly in rural areas. Local government …
Przemiany na obszarach wiejskich oraz szeroko pojęte problemy rozwoju tych rejonów są przedmiotem analiz naukowych i ożywionej od wielu lat debaty publicznej. Toczące się …
P Sadura, K Murawska… - Warszawa: Fundacja …, 2017 -
Celem badania była syntetyczna rekonstrukcja przemian zachodzących na polskiej wsi po 1989 roku, analiza najważniejszych trendów bieżących oraz rozpoznanie kluczowych …
Agricultural land is an important natural resource and forms the basis for food production. Global and local socio-economic and environmental changes are often the driving forces of …