Weakly interacting quasiparticles play a central role in the low-energy description of many phases of quantum matter. At higher energies, however, quasiparticles cease to be well …
The discovery of quantum many-body scars (QMBS) both in Rydberg atom simulators and in the Affleck–Kennedy–Lieb–Tasaki spin-1 chain model, have shown that a weak violation of …
In this review recent investigations are summarized of many-body quantum systems with long-range interactions, which are currently realized in Rydberg atom arrays, dipolar …
Statistical mechanics provides a framework for describing the physics of large, complex many-body systems using only a few macroscopic parameters to determine the state of the …
The thermalization of isolated quantum many-body systems is deeply related to fundamental questions of quantum information theory. While integrable or many-body localized systems …
Intriguingly, quantum many-body systems may defy thermalization even without disorder. One example is so-called fragmented models, where the many-body Hilbert space …
We show that the combination of charge and dipole conservation—characteristic of fracton systems—leads to an extensive fragmentation of the Hilbert space, which, in turn, can lead …
Thermalization is a ubiquitous process of statistical physics, in which a physical system reaches an equilibrium state that is defined by a few global properties such as temperature …
We study time dynamics of 1D disordered Heisenberg spin-1/2 chains focusing on a regime of large system sizes and a long-time evolution. This regime is relevant for observation of …