This anthology explores the international labor movements building worker solidarity across the Global South. Since the 1980s, the world's working class has been under continual …
Arguing that the American Federation of Labor (AFL) and then after 1955, the American Federation of Labor–Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO), have sought to …
K Scipes - Critical Sociology, 2012 -
Building on Alberto Melucci's argument that to understand a social movement, we must look at the period before emergence as a social movement, this article examines labor activists' …
K Scipes - Journal of Labor and Society, 2018 -
Arguing there are alternatives to the generally moribund trade unionism currently found in the United States, this article presents the Kilusang Mayo Uno Labor Center of the …
K Scipes - Class, Race and Corporate Power, 2020 - JSTOR
The struggle to end the AFL-CIO's foreign policy program, as part of the effort to build global labor solidarity, began in the late 1960s but has qualitatively escalated since 2010. This …
K Scipes - Class, Race and Corporate Power, 2017 - JSTOR
The organizational failure of labor leadership in the US is more than individual failures, which could perhaps be overcome by the election of new leaders. The author argues that …
This article attempts to find the relation of neoliberalism with the rise of right wing populism in the US after presidential election which won by Donald Trump. The author will review the …
K Scipes - Class, Race and Corporate Power, 2020 - JSTOR
Ever since the mid-1840s, there has been an exhortation for workers of the world to unite globally. With the exception of a three-year period between 1946 and 1949-with the …
K Scipes - CounterPunch, 2023 -
By" American nationalism", I'm referring to the ideathat the United States is the greatest country in theworld, that it is superior to any others, that everybody inthe world wants to live …