RA Călin, C Bunăiaşu - Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti …, 2010 - search.ebscohost.com
The XXIst century is one dominated by information, speed, communication and efficient relationships among them. The present study wants to be a theoretical approach meant to …
DM Popescu, I Pârgaru, C POPESCU… - Theoretical & Applied …, 2015 - ebsco.ectap.ro
Each form of communication has its specific feature which helps, in turn in creating unique designs. There are also designs which go beyond a certain format and that can be adapted …
Importanţa unei cercetări în domeniul ştiinţelor comunicării este determinată de gradul de racordare a demersului investigativ la practica socială și, respectiv, de reuşita în …
The teaching methods used in oral health education have an important impact on changing children's attitudes and behaviors. This study took place in 2009, in the School No. 135" …
C Matei-Gherman - Economie şi Sociologie, 2015 - ibn.idsi.md
Communication occurs when a transmitter transmits to a transmitter, information or messages related to a specific subject (product, service, idea, etc.) for the purpose of this …
Success in the 21st C depends on individuals' ability to conduct research, find, organize, summarize data and communicate all their findings, relate and interconnect, as 21st C itself …
D Andreea - Journal of Romanian Literary Studies, 2024 - ceeol.com
This article aims to analyze the pragmatics of the advertising discourse. We live in a world in which advertising and the advertising discourse have a major significance. There are …
FC Rus, A Pavelea, M Deac, P Farcas - Journal for the Study of Religions and …, 2011 - jsri.ro
Politics and religion are two concepts that have constantly intertwined throughout history and continue to do so at the start of the third millennium. Previous studies show that religion …
G Cojocariu - Contemporary Readings in Law and Social Justice, 2014 - ceeol.com
The study tries to reach the area of processes and phenomena of what the researchers now call media communication, a concept which will hopefully become largely spread. Like many …