Low employee retention can lead to a lack of the knowledge, skills, and abilities required for sustainable logistics operations. Logistics leaders are concerned with employee retention …
Recently, supermarkets in Kenya have been facing a significant decline in presence (Mbatia & Wanjiku, 2020, and Sande, 2022, Cytonn, 2022, Cheboi & Mulili, 2022). The major …
There is a rising demand for healthcare, but there is also an employee shortage. It is therefore important to reduce turnover and keep employees attached to the organisation. In …
El presente trabajo de investigación sostuvo como objetivo general determinar el grado de relación entre gestión de prevención de riesgos laborales y satisfacción de los servidores …
The home care sector in the healthcare system is an essential support for older and sick people to continue living as independently as possible in their homes. The industry in …
El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo general determinar la relación entre la capacitación y satisfacción laboral de trabajadores de las unidades orgánicas regionales de titulación de …