Geometric frustration and the ice rule are two concepts that are intimately connected and widespread across condensed matter. The first refers to the inability of a system to satisfy …
Artificial spin-ice systems are lithographically patterned arrangements of interacting magnetic nanostructures that were introduced as way of investigating the effects of …
Geometrical frustration in magnetic materials often gives rise to exotic, low-temperature states of matter, such as the ones observed in spin ices. Here we report the imaging of the …
Artificial spin ice systems are lithographically prepared arrays of interacting nanoscale magnetic moments with collective behavior resulting from the chosen array geometry. These …
Two-dimensional arrays of interacting magnetic nanostructures offer a remarkable playground for simulating, experimentally, lattice spin models. Initially designed to capture …
Motivated by dipolar-coupled artificial spin systems, we present a theoretical study of the classical J 1-J 2-J 3 Ising antiferromagnet on the kagome lattice. We establish the ground …
Metamaterials, tunable artificial materials, are useful playgrounds to investigate magnetic systems. So far, artificial Ising spin systems have revealed features such as emergent …
We report FePd 3 as a material for studying thermally active artificial spin ice (ASI) systems and use it to investigate both the square and kagome ice geometries. We readily achieve …
We have investigated the low-temperature thermodynamic properties of the classical dipolar kagome Ising antiferromagnet using Monte Carlo simulations, in the quest for the ground …